more than expected !
Provide optimal Ad solutions and innovative insights
through precise analysis and predictions using AI and big data technology

Big data and AI-based Data-driven audience targeting platform with the largest coverage in Korea

  • Owns the largest coverage in Korea and audience big data that has never been disclosed to the outside
  • Maximizes audience targeting accuracy and efficiency based on KT Group’s AI and big data technology and No. 1 media rep’s know-how
  • Offers cross-platform targeting by combining not only online but offline data
  • Provides 1:1 advertising customized solutions through a specialized data science team having business expertise


Bid Optimizer

Service for maximizing AdMixer’s Ad successful bid rate with real-time Ad bidding optimization AI model

  • Maximizes Ad accuracy by customized bid prediction considering various advertising characteristics such as size, form, device, and time
  • Improves Ad transaction rate between SSP and DSP by global region
  • Increases Ad efficiency by monitoring from a continuous business perspective


Auto Traffic Curation

Provides customized advertising traffic with highly accurate AI technology that analyzes tens of billions of advertising transaction big data on average per day

  • Supports efficient use of budget by reducing unnecessary traffic costs
  • Provides high-quality traffic to maximize the performance of connected DSPs' AD campaigns and SSPs' traffic efficiency
  • Manages traffic in line with market trends by continuous technology updates


Fraud Detection

Makes efficient Ad sales through Fraud detection AI model in CPS, CPI Ad traffic

  • Detects both existing mobile Ad fraud traffic types and undefined new similar fraud traffic
  • Maintains continuous detection performance by real-time learning